Privacy Policy
a la mode technologies, llc.
Web Site, Products, and Services
a la mode technologies, llc. (“ALM”) considers customer privacy to have utmost importance. ALM will never share your phone number, email, or any other personal information with any third-party service as described in the following Privacy Policy.
If you choose not to opt-out of third-party tools, using application-based settings, and visitors to these pages agree to provide third-parties with their personally identifiable information, you implicitly agree that third-party services may retain personally identifiable information as per the third-party providers’ own privacy policy terms.
Like many other websites, ALM makes use of log files, which include internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser types, Internet Service Providers (ISP), date/time stamps, referring/exit pages and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track user’s movement around the sites and demographic information. IP addresses and other such information do not link to any personal information.
ALM uses cookies and beacons to store information about visitors’ preferences, record user-specific information on which pages the user access or visit and customize web page content based on visitors’ behavior. ALM reserves the right to retain any other information provided through ALM or partner cookies and beacons. ALM has no obligation to share this information with clients directly, although ALM may make available some information collected by cookies and beacons through the client’s own dashboard.
If you or your website visitors wish to disable cookies or beacons, you may do this through your individual internet browser options. You can find information about a specific web browser’s cookie management at the browser’s website.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, our practices, or your dealings with the Website, you can contact us by email or you can write to:
USA Residents:
Mark Wynn
Sr Ldr, Compliance Officer
40 Pacifica Suite 900
Irvine, CA 92618