Manage your business wherever you are
Whether you need to access a report, track down an invoice, analyze property trends, or deliver a revision on the fly — with Titan®, you can.
Titan® is raising the standard for appraisal business management with online formfilling, cloud storage and backup, analytics, accounting and billing, and much more. The security of your business is no longer reliant on a single piece of hardware.
Titan Reports
Titan® Reports, our new, online formfiller, is the perfect companion to TOTAL with all the crucial features you’ve come to rely on. Use it when you need to create, edit, or deliver on the fly. Just log in from any web browser (including Safari on a Mac) to manage your appraisals while away from the office — even on a tablet.
- Get work done from anywhere (no install required), on any device
- Start a report in TOTAL and continue working on it in Titan® Reports later, or vice versa
- Revise reports on the fly without frantically rearranging your day to get back to your PC
- Get desktop-strength sketching on the web

Titan Drive
Titan® Drive connects your files and settings across all platforms — making your entire appraisal business available all the time, regardless of device.
- Keep all your files protected with unlimited, secure cloud storage
- Quickly access or share any report between devices or with others in your office
- Take everything you love about your TOTAL software, and use it on any device: QuickLists, signatures, settings, reports, etc.
- Access your most recently saved or modified reports within TOTAL from the Appraisal Desktop. Click here to watch and learn.
- Included with Elite
Titan Office
Titan® Office helps streamline your office’s workflow by cutting the clutter from your back-office operations. With one tool, you’ll manage orders, accounting, and billing — from generation to payment completion.
- Grow your business and profits with increased office efficiency and organization
- Get paid faster with built-in invoicing and credit card processing
- Save time and improve accuracy by instantly flowing data to and from Titan® Reports, TOTAL, or your XSite website
- Know where to focus your time and efforts with trending and forecasting reports
- Included with Elite

Titan Analytics
Titan® Analytics makes it quick and easy for you to analyze market data and provide proof for your conclusion of value. It makes even the most in-depth analysis clear and concise, regardless of what type of assignment you’re working on.
- Provide fast, defensible support for your market analysis
- Add impressive charts to your reports for underwriters, reviewers, or private clients
- Use it with your MLS without a custom setup
- Analyze and compare multiple data points at once
- Included with Elite
Titan®: remarkably powerful, and shockingly intuitive
The Titan® Suite is raising the standard for appraisal business management — from online formfilling, cloud storage and backup, analytics, accounting and billing and much more. The security of your business is no longer reliant on a single piece of hardware and can be accessed from anywhere, from any device.